Tuesday, December 15, 2015

TBI Research and My Trip to See Dr. Debby Feinberg

I just returned from and wonderful trip to Michigan and Dr. Debby's office. I spent a lot of time observing cases with her. I am always learning new things from every case I see, so that was very exciting for me. One case was a Colonel that works in the Pentagon. He suffered a concussion and was having difficulty driving and functioning until he was treated by Dr. Debby. It was great to learn his story and see his progress. He just drove from Virginia to Michigan for his visit and is now back in activity duty. We all thanked him for his service.

The evening was spent with many colleagues in the fields of neurology, otolaryngology, and Pain Management docs. Lots of very interesting conversation about visual and vestibular complications post concussion. I was very excited to meet Dr. Randy Benson who treats many ex professional football players. Since he sees patients from all over the US, he said he will be sending some my way.
Then we were treated to a lecture by Dr. Dallas Hack. Dr. Hack is behind the financing for almost all the research going on in TBI today. From changing the way we diagnose  and classify TBI to exciting new treatments.

Within the next 3 months he is hoping to get FDA approval for a blood test to detect TBI. A new device from the University of Wisconsin Medical School, called a pONS device is also in clinical trials. It hooks up to the tongue, ( the tongue has the most nerve endings in the body) and helps rewire the brain pathways. We are learning that the brain is very plastic and can be healed with the proper treatments.  Out of Dr. Feinberg's office, a new article is being published in the journal of Brain Injury, describing how Binocular Vision Dysfunction is precipitated by concussion and using the Feinberg method of prism correction helps relieve the symptoms of PCS.  Next up for them is going to be a double blind study, which is the gold standard for scientific research. Also, a multi center retrospective study on the effectiveness of prismatic lens treatment for post concussive syndrome. My practice, The Neuro Visual Center of New York is looking forward to being a part of that study.
If you would like anymore information about our work or questions about visual symptoms post concussion feel free to contact my office at 516-224-4888.

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