Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Visual Chaos, Vertical Heterophoria, and ADHD

I was speaking with a wonderful woman yesterday, Ellie Altman, who works for Dr. Debby Feinberg as an educational liaison. She used the term visual chaos to describe how a child with ADHD and a binocular vision dysfunction, such as Vertical Heterophoria, may see. I thought visual chaos was a great term. The information is coming into the brain through a visual system that is not functioning properly. The information gets all mixed up, leading to chaos. 50% of children with ADHD have a vision problem which contributes to their reading and learning difficulty.  Often, the vision problem is an eye misalignment so small that it is missed on a routine vision exam.

The neurovisual examination was developed to diagnose these very small misalignments, as well as other binocular vision disorders. This 90 minute examination utilizes many tests that are not part of a general eye exam.  If a binocular vision problem is detected, prismatic lenses are used to realign the eyes. This leads quickly to a higher level of visual functioning, without lengthy expensive vision therapy.  The visual chaos is gone!

If you or your child suffers from ADHD, please call my office or log onto my website to learn more about binocular vision dysfunction.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Agoraphobia and Vertical Heterophoria

Many patients who suffer with vertical heterophoria find themselves extremely anxious in big open spaces with high ceilings. We feel this happens due to the phenomenon of visual vertigo. There is so much visual input coming in, the person feels overwhelmed. The increase of visual stimulus along with movement causes the dizziness to increases. This then leads to even more anxiety. This can also happen when a person with vertical heterophoria tries to cross a busy street. The dizziness can increase leading to an increase in anxiety. Over time, this anxiety can become so intense that the person can not leave their home. These patients become agoraphobic.

It would be interesting to study how many agoraphobic people have dizziness as a symptom. If the dizziness is caused by vertical heterophoria, prismatic eyeglasses can help.

For more information and to take our questionnaire to see if you have vertical heterophoria or another  type of binocular vision dysfunction, visit our website www.nvcofny.com

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Exciting Day for the Treatment of Vertical Heterophoria

Today, not only did Dr. Debby Feinberg speak at TEDX Detroit but I opened my new practice, Neuro Visual Center of New York. We are trying to spread the word about Vertical Heterophoria, an often undiagnosed eye misalignment which causes so much suffering. Headaches, dizziness, light sensitivity, head tilt, neck ache, difficulty reading, anxiety in large open spaces, an unbalanced feeling  and many other symptoms. Vertical Heterophoria and other Binocular Vision Dysfunctions can be effectively treated with prismatic correction in a pair of eyeglasses. No costly, time consuming therapy. Simply, a special pair of glasses.